*Let's all have a healthy Shehrullah*

Sharing answers for frequently asked questions concerning this Shehrullah il Moazzam / Ramadan Kareem  !!

1. Is it ok to skip Sihori or just have a fruit and water ?

 A good balanced Sihori is important for keeping your energy levels high throughout the day.
Sihori should have-
Fiber - *Rotis, oats, sprouts and fruits are source of fiber*. Have one of these as a part of your Sihori.

Proteins- Egg,dals,milk or dahi and nuts shall keep metabolism high and help in tissue repair.

Potassium- Dahi, banana and other fruits rich in potassium shall help prevent thirst throughout the day. Include a small portion of them if possible.

2. How to keep immunity high while I fast ?

Our body cells get time to repair themselves and hence help us boost immunity while we are in the fasting phase, provided our building phase (post iftaar) is kept healthy.

3. I get migraines, acidity and headaches during Roza. How should I manage it ?

Your body start throwing out toxins during the first few days while we fast. Hence its completely normal to get these symptoms.
Keep your meals light for dinner, drink 2-2.5 litres of water daily and sleep for a good 7-8 hours till your body successfully adapts to the new routine.

You shall follow these few tips to deal with the symptoms of Migraine in Ramadan —

*Steam inhalation with eucalyptus or peppermint oil at bedtime.*

Epsom salt bath

Deep breathing shall help during roza / Fast.

Infused water with lemon, fennel seeds and jeera (for acidity)

4. I get constipated in Ramadan. How should I manage this?

Constipation is common when you are either low in water or fiber or both.Hence, have a portion of raw vegetables (cucumber,carrot,beetroot), soaked raisins, prunes or just add a tsp of sabza seeds to water.

For water intake drink- Gol / Jaggery paani, coconut water, lemon water or infused water.

If you feel you can not consume a good amount of water then go *low with teas and coffee* as it will dehydrate your further.

Chronically constipated people (not passing stools for more than 2 days) shall have a tsp of warm- cold pressed coconut oil or homemade ghee in the morning and Psyllium husk(isabgol) at bedtime.
Avoid taking any medications for the same unless none of these work.

5. I am confused about what to cook daily ? 

Well, its the first time for most of us to cook dinners during Ramadan.
As it should not consume a lot of our time so that we can give enough time for ibaadat / prayers, we shall keep it simple like khichdi with palida or kadhi, daal rice, chicken and rice / roti, mixed vegetable and mutton pulav and broths for dinner.
You can prepare fancy meals once a week for your loved ones.

For sweet cravings- mithaas like thuli / Jerish wheat with jaggery, malida, gol / Jaggery papdi, Kalamra / Rice with Curd and little Sugar, homemade Mango juice are ideal.
Avoid fancy cooking due to limited supplies all over the world.

6. I do not lose weight even if I fast ? 

Do not expect too much of weight loss during Ramadan as your metabolism is slow and would not advice to do high intensity exercises.
If following healthy Sihori and Post iftaar routine, one may definitely lose inches.
Do not get disappointed if you jump back to the same weight on the day of Eid.
Your scale was showing low weight during Ramadan due to empty stomach.
The ideal loss of fats is measured in inches.
Be happy if your clothes are getting lose.

7. I ate a heavy iftaar / dinner,what should I do in order to balance ? 

Firstly stay up for a while, may be, pray Night Prayers / Bihori so that your body gets enough time to metabolize the meal.

Secondly, you can have fruits and  nuts for Sihori the next day.

Thirdly, make sure you do not do this continuously and your next day should be a lighter and an easily digestible iftaar.

8. Is it ok to have a Sihori immediately after bihori / Mid night prayers ?

Well, yes, if you feel you can manage the day without an hesitations than go ahead.
Make sure your water intake and meals are not compromised.

Otherwise it's a good idea to have an uninterrupted sleep.

9. I tend to feel sleepy all throughout the day while I do roza / Fast.

Yes, that's common as your brain cells needs glucose supply to stay active.
Firstly check your sihori intake and secondly, just open your window or balcony, breathe in some fresh air and get involved in some activity, like tilawat or hifzul quran, tasbeeh.

A quick few minutes of spot jog, skipping or jumping jacks will give a jerk to your metabolism and keep you up for several hours. Try it!

10. I really want to stay healthy but I get severe junk cravings post iftaar

Try looking for alternatives like grilled,steamed or stir fried.
You can use a variety of spices to satisfy your taste buds.
For instance, kokum, amchur, imli, lemon and jaljeera can be a nice treat to your taste buds and even better for your gut.

Eat mindfully, look for healthy alternatives, google is flooded with recipes.
Sugar and fried attracts more ! Eat once and you will crave for more.
Hence portion control, chew well and eat slow.

 Dont miss on Gratitude towards the neamat /  bounties that Allah Ta'ala has bestowed on  us.

May you have a healthy and safe Ramadan.
Stay home and pray more !

 Ramadan Kareem Mubarak !


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