What Career is right for me ?

* What Career Is Right For Me *

- The Real Career Landscape 

   If you can figure out how to get a reasonably accurate picture of the real career landscape out there, you have a massive edge over everyone else, most of whom will be using outdated conventional wisdom as their career counselor.

- The Career Tunnel

Careers used to be kind of like a 40-year tunnel. You picked your tunnel, and once you were in, that was that. You worked in that profession for 40 years or so before the tunnel spit you out on the other side into your retirement.

Today’s career landscape isn’t a lineup of tunnels, it’s a massive, impossibly complex, rapidly changing science laboratory. 

- Why Proper Career Planning is Important.

Unlike this picture just don't get into anything. Instead plan properly, cause it is going to affect the following,

  • Time :-  A typical career will take up somewhere between 20% and 60% of your meaningful adult time.
  • Quality of Life :- Your career has a major effect on all your non-career hours.
  • Impact:- Whatever shape your career path ends up taking, the world will be altered by it.
  • Identity :- We tell people about our careers by telling them what we are.

- How To Find Right Career?

So you were thinking that how to find which career is right for me?

Here are the simple steps to follow to find a new career.

  1. List the careers you want/find desirable. 
  2. List all careers that are realistic to potentially achieve.
  3. Find the overlapping areas between what is desirable, and what is possible.

- Understand Your Potential

When assessing your chances on a certain career path, the key question is:
With enough time, could you get good enough at this game to potentially reach whatever your definition of success is in that career? Basically, is this a most money-making career with low potential?

- Finally, Plot Your Career Path !!

After considering, 
  • The general landscape,
  •  Specific careers,
  • Where your Starting point is (based on your current skills, resources, and connections relevant to that field),
  • Your Success point/Endpoint,
  • Your estimate of your pace of improvement,
  • Your level of persistence, and
  • you are able to plot your career path forward.


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