5 Tips To A No Regret Life

 Are you living a happy life?

According to the surveys, most teenagers are happy in their 18s. The happiness starts depleting in the late 20s. This way the cycle goes on and on. Happiness comes and goes. 

Won't you break this cycle by doing something which can lead you to a no-regret life in your 30s and 40s?

So, follow these 5 steps to build the happy life you want in your 30s and 40s.

1. Building a Meaningful Career

  1. “Find out what you like doing best, and get someone to pay you for doing it.” – Katharine Whitehorn
  1. When it comes to choosing a career, people start to pick a profession, study it thoroughly and land a dream job based on it. After a year or two, they feel meaningless of that career. Where this Portfolio Career term comes. One should make a portfolio career that allows him to change between different passions and businesses which will keep him happy throughout his life.
  1. List down your goals, passions, and things you love most doing them, link down all the things, and start working on them daily. When this thing came to me, it was a headache for me to manage all the things together. But now, slowly this all is leading me towards a meaningful life.
  1. 2. Become Self - Aware
  1. "Imagine that you have no limitations and then decide what's right before you decide what's possible.” —Brian Tracey.
  1. Figure out what you want in your life. Make a bucket list of what you want to achieve in your next 5 years. Start working on that, make plans, and just start to chase them. 
  1. If you want to build a personality, then start working on your body structure, appearance, and personal grooming, take classes, attend sessions, watch out videos, and read the blogs on how to build a dream personality. 
  1. Try to figure out things that make you happy and just work for that things.
  1. 3. Be Passionate
    1. "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." -Albert Einstein

  1. Figure out the passions you want to achieve in the next 5 years. 
  1. If you're in a stagnant job that doesn't lead to your passions and goals just swoosh from there right now. If you get a job that leads you toward your passions, you will be happy, and it will lead you to a happy future life.
  1. 4. Be ready for Failures
  1. “I think that everything that happens in our life is here to teach us something about living.”
  2. – Oprah
  1. The more you want you achieve, the bigger you want in your life, failure is a natural process always ready to teach you something out in your life. 
  1. Failure is like stepping stone on the way to achievement. Find the lesson in your failure and apply in your next attempt. Try Try but don't cry. The day you accept of failing in your life, it will lead you to a happy life in the future.
  1. 5. Relationships
  1. “You can be married to someone for 3 years and bitter about it for the next 30.” – TD Jakes
  1. Get clear on what you desire in your life partner. Write down the characteristics you want in your ideal mate.
  1. Wrong relationships can end up leaving you traumatized, stifling up your creativity, and killing your dreams and passions. 
  1. So, Don't ever try to settle. Be clear in your choice and stay up to it. 

Keep these five points with you as you move ahead in your life. Keep calm, stay patient. Things will come to you at their time.
Life is as it is. Live full and die empty!
Let us know if you have other tips to live a no-regret life in the comment section.

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